Eataly Workers are Leading the Way
There is a deep inequality inside Eataly: Half of the workers are union and half are not, and the non-union workers are fed up with being second class.
Non-union workers work side by side with union Eataly workers who make on average $4/hour more in wages, have free health care, and a pension. Non-union workers have dedicated years of their life to ensure the success of Eataly Las Vegas, but the success of Eataly has not trickled down to them.
In a survey conducted June-August 2023 by the Culinary Union of 28 out of approximately 131 non-union Eataly workers, we found that:
- Workers stated that they or their immediate family members depend on public assistance programs such as SNAP/WIC and Medicaid.
These workers are asking for their voices to be heard, and for the same respect that their union co-workers already enjoy.
“I support Eataly workers in this fight because I know what it means to work without a union. I believe that one job should be enough and we deserve to spend more time with our families. Culinary Union members throughout the city are fighting for the best contract ever with the highest wage increases, so we need to stay united. Having a union contract means having a better life for my family and my kids. I also want that for my co-workers. We all deserve to have a fair share of the success we’ve helped create. Eataly workers, stick together and we will win!”
—Alicia Solorzano, a unionized porter steward at Eataly
“I’m a single mom. I live with my mother and my daughter. She also works at Eataly, but her income is to pay for her education, so I’m taking care of the rest: Rent, groceries, and bills, and it is hard to make ends meet when your paycheck is not enough to cover everything.”
—Roselia Vaquerano, Cook at Eataly